Retroliter® Heat Lamp w/Plastic Shield (Complete unit)

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Provide a warm, lit environment for animals in your farrowing units, barns, garages, and more with a Retroliter Heat Lamp Fixture with a 9' cord. Easy to hang, this lamp comes with a non-metallic shade that will not dent or corrode. The lamp uses standard heat lamp bulbs up to 250 watts, sold separately. Comes with a 9’ power cord and plastic hanger. UL listed.


  • Adjustable hanger attached to the 9' cord for easy adjustment
  • Lamp holder is fully enclosed to protect against breakage and water penetration
  • Shock-absorbing nonmetallic shade/enclosure will not dent or corrode and reduces the risk of damage to the heat lamp
  • UL-approved
  • Unconditional 3-year warranty