
MLS delivers the best service to our customers because we have the best people standing behind our high-quality services and product offerings. Our team is comprised of smart, detail orientated and hardworking individuals. Our current job openings are listed below.

Current Openings

Locations: Zumbrota, MN; Kaukauna & Weston, WI; Renner, SD

Locations: Audubon & Elkader, IA; Frankfort, IN

Locations: Beatrice, NE; Menomonie, WI; Renner, SD; Zumbrota, MN

All job offers are contingent on a background check and drug screen. 

Why join the Midwest Livestock team?

"It's great coming to work and enjoying what I do and who I work with. Every day is different, but that's what makes it enjoyable."